What is a trappist cheese or monk cheese?

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What is a Trappist cheese or monk cheese ?

In the medieval times monks and nuns developed products to nourish themselves as well as sell them to sustain the monasteries. Since most of them raised their own cattle of cows, goats and sheep, cheese was the obvious natural bi-product.

Trappist cheese monastery style cheese

Today, very less monasteries actually make traditional monastic cheeses as a majority of them are now manufactured by companies unrelated to the monks. These handmade cheeses made at the hands of a religious order or mere its imitation are known as monastery, trappist or monk cheeses.

Trappist cheese or monastery-style is a semi-hard, cow’s milk cheese with a mild flavor and good melting properties, similar to Edam cheese, that can be sliced and eaten out of hand with fruit or wine, and used in cooking.

Monastic cheeses are typically made in Belgium, France and Switzerland. But they are also made at monasteries in Canada and the US.

Most of them, though not always, were a soft or semi-soft cow’s milk cheese washed or rubbed with brine or alcohol. The flavours are pungent, whereas the factory imitations tend to be quite mild and bland. Some monasteries these days have started making cheeses in other varieties such as gouda, cheddar, smoked cheese, blue cheese and flavoured cheese.

Characteristics of Trappist Cheese

Trappist cheese is pale yellow with some holes and is usually packaged in red plastic or red paraffin wax. Trappist cheese is said to have originated in 18th-century France with the Roman Catholic monks of the Notre Dame de Port du Salut abbey. The recipe found its way to Hungary through the Bosnian monastery of Maria-Stern, and then to other parts of Europe and the United States. The original French recipe is still manufactured in France under the name of Port-Salut or Saint-Paulin.

Trappist Monk Cheese

Most Trappist monasteries and Trappistine convents are in some type of business that produces goods that are sold to provide income for their homes and needs. Some of these commodities include cheese, as we see here, bread, wine, pastries, clothing and even coffins. But many of the monks, who are not required to take a vow of alcohol abstinence, produce some of the world’s most famous trappist beer.

Trappist cheese or monk cheese?

Trappist cheese, also known as monk cheese, is a type of cheese made by Trappist monks in monasteries around the world. Trappist cheese is a product of the Trappist order of monks, who follow the Rule of St. Benedict, which includes a vow of poverty and a dedication to manual labor. Trappist monks began producing cheese as a means of supporting their monasteries and communities, and the tradition has continued for centuries.

Trappist cheese is typically made from cow's milk, although some varieties are made from goat's milk or sheep's milk. The cheese is often made using traditional methods, including using raw milk and natural cultures, and is aged for varying lengths of time to develop its characteristic flavor and texture.

There are several different types of Trappist cheese, each with its own unique flavor and texture. One of the most well-known types of Trappist cheese is Chimay cheese, which is made by Trappist monks in the Abbey of Scourmont in Belgium. Chimay cheese is a semi-hard cheese with a nutty, slightly sweet flavor and a creamy texture.

Another popular Trappist cheese is Port Salut, which is made by Trappist monks in the abbey of Notre-Dame du Port du Salut in France. Port Salut is a semi-soft cheese with a mild, buttery flavor and a smooth, creamy texture.

Trappist cheese is also made in monasteries in the United States, including the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky and the Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Iowa. These American-made Trappist cheeses are often made using traditional methods and have become increasingly popular in recent years.

In addition to its unique flavor and texture, Trappist cheese is also known for its connection to the Trappist monastic tradition. Trappist monks are known for their dedication to manual labor and their commitment to living simply and sustainably, and the production of Trappist cheese is just one example of this tradition in action.

For those interested in supporting the Trappist monastic tradition and enjoying delicious Trappist cheese, there are potential partnership opportunities available. Some Trappist monasteries may offer their cheese for sale online or in specialty shops, and partnering with these monasteries to sell their cheese can provide a source of revenue for both the monastery and the retailer.

Additionally, retailers may consider partnering with Trappist cheese makers to create exclusive cheese varieties or packaging options. By partnering with Trappist cheese makers, retailers can provide unique and high-quality products to their customers, while also supporting the Trappist monastic tradition.

In conclusion, Trappist cheese, or monk cheese, is a type of cheese made by Trappist monks in monasteries around the world. It is typically made using traditional methods and is known for its unique flavor and texture, as well as its connection to the Trappist monastic tradition. There are potential partnership opportunities available for those interested in supporting the Trappist monastic tradition and offering high-quality Trappist cheese to their customers.